نصائح مطبخيه
عند شراء الخضار المجمد من السوبرماركت احرصي علي اختار العبوة التي يتحرك بها الخضار بحرية , أما اذا كان الخضار مجمد وملنصق ببعضه فذلك يدل علي أنه سبق تذويب الثلج عنه وتجميده مرة أخرى
When buying frozen vegetables from the supermarket Make sure you chose the package that moves freely vegetables, but if the frozen vegetables and Mnasq interconnected That indicates that it is already defrost it and freeze it again
When buying frozen vegetables from the supermarket Make sure you chose the package that moves freely vegetables, but if the frozen vegetables and Mnasq interconnected That indicates that it is already defrost it and freeze it again
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