استخدامات قشر البرتقال
في مطبخك
الكثير منا يحب البرتقال فهو غني بفيتامينات كثيره اهمها فيتامين سي الذي يساعد علي رفع المناعه والوقايه من امراض البرد مطبخ سحر الحياه اليوم احضرلكم استخدام جديد للبرتقال وهو قشر البرتقال الكثير منا لا يعير القشر اهتمام ولاكن سحر الحياه تقول لمحبيها لا تتخلصو من القشر قومي بتقطيع البرتقال وفصل الثمره عن القشر واتركي القشر علي ورق في مكان جاف حتي يتصلب او ينشف تماما ويصبح متماسك ثم قومي بسحقه او طحنه كالبودره واحفظيه في برطمان زجاجي عندما تقومي بعمل الكيك ضعي القليل منه لعمل كيك البرتقال او عند تتبل الاسماك والجمبري وعمل الارز بالبرتقال وايضا البط رشي رشه صغيره علي طعامك سيصبح له طعم مميز ورائع
Uses orange peel
Many of us likes orange is rich in vitamins in large the most important vitamin C, which helps to lift the immunity and prevention of colds diseases Magic Life Kitchen today Ahoudrlkm use a new orange a orange peel a lot of us do not pay a Nutshell interesting and I charm Life says to her fans do not Taatkhalso from the chaff nationalist cut oranges and separation pods from the chaff and leave the chaff on paper in a dry place until it solidifies or dries completely and become a cohesive NATIONAL then crushed or milled Kalpooderh and Ahfezah in a glass jar when you've had your cake my little to work orange cake or when you marinate fish and shrimp and served rice and oranges, as well as ducks, sprinkle a small sprayed your food will become a distinctive taste and wonderful
Uses orange peel
Many of us likes orange is rich in vitamins in large the most important vitamin C, which helps to lift the immunity and prevention of colds diseases Magic Life Kitchen today Ahoudrlkm use a new orange a orange peel a lot of us do not pay a Nutshell interesting and I charm Life says to her fans do not Taatkhalso from the chaff nationalist cut oranges and separation pods from the chaff and leave the chaff on paper in a dry place until it solidifies or dries completely and become a cohesive NATIONAL then crushed or milled Kalpooderh and Ahfezah in a glass jar when you've had your cake my little to work orange cake or when you marinate fish and shrimp and served rice and oranges, as well as ducks, sprinkle a small sprayed your food will become a distinctive taste and wonderful
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